
Thursday 30 April 2020

Missing the Way Things Were

One of the things we do in our blog each week is to create characters and imagine how they are feeling and what they might say. Maybe you could tell us if you like what they are saying and doing, or if you totally disagree with them. 


It has been over four weeks since I've been at home. At first, I loved it, no more getting up early and getting ready for school. I have enjoyed wearing my own clothes and being at home with my family because it feels safe here. 

I have been doing lots of fun things like playing, dancing, drawing and watching lots more TV. I still have to do my schoolwork which I don’t enjoy doing at home, It a little bit boring. I do miss my teacher’s voice when they tell me how to do my work.

It is so cool being at home with people that care for me and with my siblings, but I am starting to feel sad that I don’t get to see my friends and family. I worry about them and hope they are safe. I like to think about them and what they are doing. 

My brother cries a lot because he really loves going to school and misses wearing his uniform, school lunches and playing with his friends in the playground. He doesn’t like being at home all day long. He draws pictures of our school and the things that he likes doing with his friends.  He sticks them on his bedroom wall which makes him smile because they make him remember happy times. His room is starting to look like a museum. 

I like using my imagination to remember all the things I used to like doing before having to stay inside. This makes my heart feels lots of different feelings. I feel excited as I remember but I also feel really angry because I really miss the way things were before and then I feel sad because I want them to go back to how they used to be. I talk to my Mum and Dad about my feelings and this really helps me. 

My family are using lots of different ways to stay connected ways with our friends and family. We have been talking on the phone a lot more. It’s nice to hear their voices. It’s even better when we video chat because then I get to see them too. Sometimes I go online and play games with my friends and we set dancing challenges that we send to each other. My day feels better when I have seen people who don’t live with me. 

I have started writing special messages about the things I like and miss about my friends, teachers and family because they are the people, I miss the most. I am looking forward to seeing them all again really soon.

We all miss people and things which can make you have a lot of different feelings sad, angry, confused, lonely, tired/sleepy. Talk to an adult about how you are feeling they are there to help you. 
Who are you missing? 
What could you do so they know you are thinking about them?
What things did that you used to do that you miss? 
Perhaps you can draw a picture and put it somewhere you can see it.

Monday 27 April 2020

A Book about Coronavirus

This book is great to understand "coronavirus" and what is happening at the moment. It is illustrated by Alex Scheffer, the artist who drew the images in the Gruffalo story.

If you have any questions about it or are worried about anything, contact us or ask an adult you trust. 

You can click on the arrow within a square at the top right of the book to pop it put (open it) in a new window. 

We hope you like it!

Wednesday 22 April 2020

What to do if you’re anxious about this situation - webpage to visit

Click here and you will visit a page where they have great ideas to look at if you are feeling stressed or anxious about these changes.

These are some ideas they share if the current news on coronavirus (COVID-19) is making you feel anxious, concerned or stressed.

Tips: things you can do
  • Talk to someone about how you’re feeling
  • Arm yourself with the facts 
  • Know what you can do
  • Don't overexpose yourself to the news 
  • Plan your time 
  • Find things that help you feel calm

Everything is different

One of the things we do in our blog is creating characters and imagining how they are feeling and what they might say. Maybe you could tell us if you like what they are saying and doing, or if you totally disagree with them!

Everything has changed.  We were told we were not going to have school for some time. It feels like a really long time now.

I did not like going to school that much. But after all this time at home, I am starting to get a bit bored of not being able to go out.

I am happy to be at home with the people I love and trust. Everybody is nice, although it seems I am getting angry at my parents/ carers and siblings more often. But I also enjoy playing and being with them at home.

Schoolwork seems very different too. We do lots of things on a computer or tablet and I am sometimes a bit confused about things.

There are things I like too. I like having breakfast with other members of my family and eating lunch at home. We also do more things together and I have lots of time to play. I love playing board games like snakes and ladders, and twister.

It is very strange because sometimes things seem super normal. And then something really weird happens, like seeing adults wearing masks when we go to the supermarket, or having to wash all the shopping. And then, everything is normal again.

I feel a bit strange about all this. So I decided to make a list of the things that are the same, and the new things that I like.

Have you thought about these? What things that are still the same that you enjoy? What new things do you like?