
Friday 11 September 2020

Social Distancing Heroes

 What do you do to social distance and keep others safe?

Listen to this song. Do you do anything similar to them? Do you do something different?

Maybe you could create your own actions to go with the song!

When You Can't Do What You Do, You Do What You Can

 Sometimes we can not do what we want because things are happening, like the COVID-19 pandemic. Bon Jovi, a classic rock singer, have composed a song about that and about the strength we need to adapt to new situations. 

Is there anything you would like to do but you can't? What can you do instead?

Thursday 10 September 2020

"Lenny and Lily Return to School": What would you say to them?

 This is a story about Lily and Lenny, two friends that are going back to school.

The story has no words, for you to create your own based on the pictures.

Why don’t you explore the story with the help of a trusted adult looking at the questions below the story?


·        Identify some of the feelings you think Lenny, Lily and the other children in the story may have.

·        Do you also have any of them ? Why?

·        What are the feelings Lily has? Why do you think she has them?

·        What are the feelings Lenny has? Why do you think he has them?

·        How does Lily act with other children? How does Lenny act? Why do you think there is a difference?


Choose one page. Pick a character and ask somebody else to be the other character. Have a conversation pretending you are that character.

You can also use  toys, each one representing a character in the picture,  and make up a conversation.


Write an email to Lenny and Lily telling them how school is going for you. Give ideas about what they could do to feel better about their problems.

Tuesday 14 July 2020

Story Time about the Current Restrictions - Things are Changing on the Savanna

This story was written for you about the changes that are happening because of the health crisis. It explores the following objectives. 

·      Meeting friends again.
·      Difficulties going back to being with others.
·      “The Protection Phase” restrictions, like social distancing.
·      Feelings of isolation and connection.
·      Difficult feeling during the lockdown. 
·      Sharing feelings with a trusted adult
·      Keeping in contact

After reading the story here are some question's that you can discuss with a friend or someone in you family. 

o How do you feel when you meet your friends after a long time? Maybe both of you have changed a bit and have started liking different things. How does that feel?

o Because of social distancing, we cannot hug or high-five anymore however, there are other forms to show love and friendship without touching. How do you do it

o Did you have any difficult feelings during the lockdown?

o What things do you like doing that you cannot do when you have to come to school?

Try practising rainbow breathing 
Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Breath in the colour you like. The colour fills you up when you breath in. Then hold it while the colour wraps difficult feelings and turns a colour you do not like. Then breath out that other colour.

Saturday 23 May 2020

Malachi's Mindfulness, Waking Up My Sense's

Hello everyone, my name is Malachi I am nine years old. I live in Lambeth and I decided to do some of the five senses activities when I went out for my daily exercise today. I used my mums’ phone to capture things that brought my senses to life. I noticed so many different things that I had not seen or noticed before. I saw a lot of signs around about the virus and how to keep safe. 

I enjoyed looking at the tall green clock and tried hard to listen  if I could hear the hands ticking. I also noticed the beautiful colourful flowers which smelt so lovely. I saw children’s drawings on the pavement and wanted to add my own drawing to the art work. 

As I rode my bike I heard dogs barking birds singing and the sound of cars as I zoomed down the hill feeling the wind on my face as I looked at all the different shades of green on the  tress on either side of me. I enjoyed waking up my senses it made me feel alert and full of energy. Why don't you give it a go. 

Challenge: Can you count all the sense I used? 

Wednesday 20 May 2020

Mindfulness Five Senses Check In

Right now, we might all have moments of feeling confused and worried about the future. How about trying a few activities to help you to stay present and connected to yourself and the environment? 

These five games and activities can be done at home or when you go out for a daily walk. You can do it alone, but during this time of being separate from others, maybe find someone else to share them with. 

Name five things that you can see
Name four things you can hear 
Name three things that you can feel
Name two things that you can smell 
Name one thing that you can taste

Play a game of 'I spy' to wake up your senses and help you notice what is around you. Try using you other senses to play ‘I hear’ and ‘I smell’. 

Find five different objects, they could be from inside your house or perhaps you can find them during a walk. Really take time to look and feel them. Describe the texture and what you notice about the object. 

Play a game of 'I see. I know. I wonder...' take it in turns, to say one thing you see right there and then, one thing you know and then share one thing you wonder. Example, 'I see my hand typing. I know it is nearly bath time. I wonder how many people in the world might eat pasta today?

See if you can observe something new about something you might see or eat every day like an apple. 

Five Senses~ | Where's My Xanax?

Tuesday 19 May 2020

Mental Health Awareness Week

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week from 18-24 May 2020. The theme is 'Kindness Matters'. Do you know that being kind to others can be beneficial to your own mental health? Watch the video below to find out how. 

One thing that we have seen all over the world since the Corona Virus outbreak is that Kindness is winning in uncertain times. People are coming together to sing on balconies in Italy, others are setting up groups to offer support to the elderly or vulnerable -like collecting shopping or calling them for a chat. 

Acts of kindness are gifts that we can give to ourselves and to friends, family and our community. 

Think of things that you like doing that spark joy in you. It might be riding your bike, drawing or eating dinner with your family. Try and do at least one act of kindness for yourself today and think about someone that you would like to give a gift of kindness too.  

Here are some ideas 

Call a friend who you haven’t spoken to for a while 
Post a card or letter to someone you are out of touch with 
Make a drink for someone you live with 
Video call someone to say hello 
Send someone a handwritten thank you note
Tell your family how much you love and appreciate them 
Help with household chores 
Smile at someone  

Arrange a time for a virtual movie night with family or friends 

Create a new dance with a friend on video chat 

Save your pocket money and donate it to charity 
Maybe you can think of your own acts of kindness. Tell us what you did and we will share it on the blog. 

Thursday 14 May 2020

Child Friendly Corona Virus Chat

As we are living in a time of great uncertainty and change. Here are some questions to think about or even better get the whole family involved. A conversation is a great way to gain knowledge about what is happening. As you go through the question’s share your answers with an adult so they can offer you the right information if your understanding is incorrect. 

1. What is the Corona Virus?
2. Who is the Prime Minster? 
3. How many weeks have we been in lockdown? 
4. Do you want to go back to school?
5. Who is the first person you are going to hug when lockdown ends? 
6. Where is the first place you are you going to go?
7. What do you think we can do to get rid of the virus?
8. Do you like home schooling? 
9. If Corona was an animal what animal would it be and why?
10. How did the Corona Virus start?
11. If you had to wear protective clothing to help you, what would it be? 

As new information and updates becomes available from the government it may be confusing to understand what it means. Keep on asking questions to the adults in your home and keep on talking. We are here to support you and will be posting tips and creative ways to do this. 

Creative Tip: 
Maybe you could write a script, draw a picture, create an art sculpture from your recycling bag about life in lockdown. Use some of your answers as inspiration to create something that helps you to process this time. 

Make sure you’re caring for yourself. You’re not alone in this! Reaching out to family or friends who are in a similar position can really help at difficult times.

REVEALED: How long readers spend chatting to their children ... Drawings - Kids chat shows youngster child and children. Stock ...      

Wednesday 13 May 2020

"Shake it off" in the Morning, Count Fruits in the Evening

After all this time being at home, lots of things go through your mind, including feeling stress, anxious, sad or moody. We all feel like that sometimes. These activities can help you deal with those feelings that make you feel not so good. 

Shake it off  (any age) 
What you need: shakers that make noise, upbeat and fun music. 
As you play the upbeat and fun music, use anything which sounds like a shaker to shake to the beat. 
"Our big idea during this time is forgiveness, which means that we will not stay angry when someone does something wrong. We can shake off the anger. Shake your whole boy to show how you would shake it off. Now lets's play some music and use our new shakers to the beat. Lets practice shaking it off to Justin Timberlake Can't stop the feeling. 

It feels good and puts a smile on your face when you move and have fun. Whenever you are angry, focus on doing something fun for a while. When you move and shake, it's hard to stay angry. 

Counting Fruits (any age) 
Count to 10 when they are feeling upset. First, choose a topic (i.e fruit). Next, begin counting: "1 apple, 2 bananas, 3 oranges, 4 plums, 5 watermelon, 6 peach, 7 grapefruit, 8 kiwi, 9 strawberries, 10 coconuts". This helps you to move to your "thinking mode" and makes it easier to get calm.

Tuesday 12 May 2020

I Feel Like Running and Jumping All Day Long

One of the things we do in our blog each week is to create characters and imagine how they are feeling and what they might say. Maybe you could tell us if you like what they are saying and doing, or if you totally disagree with them. 



Sometimes, being at home all day is more tiring than being outside running and playing, and also more boring. After a few days at home, I feel like running around and jumping and doing handstands. I really miss doing all these things. 

I told my teacher, and she told me that physical activities are really important. So now I am trying different things. I love the "Little Chick Cheep" song and am trying to learn the dance routine. It is difficult, but it is really fun when I get it wrong. 

This is the dance!

This is the original song!!!

My teacher also told me that I could do a little bit of PE in my room, and sent me a link to this teacher who does lessons every morning! It feels good to know that other children all over the world are doing PE at the same time as me! Why don't you try?! This is an example. If you like it, click on his playlist or join him at 9am.

Friday 8 May 2020

Clapham Manor Staff Miss Their Students: Video

All the staff at Clapham Manor Primary School wanted to remind you that you are the most important part of our school. We all miss you and hope to be back soon reading stories, learning history, playing with the time tables, cooking, learning science, making music and many other things. 

What is the thing you want to do most when we come back to school?

In the meantime, the whole staff wanted to remind you we are here for you, we miss you and we are preparing great learning and fun activities!

We hope you enjoy it!

A Comic about Coronavirus

Reporter Cory turner created this recording to help you understand coronavirus. 

Then, author Malaka Gharib created a comic to go with it. 

This book talks about something really important> it does not matter where you are from, everybody can get coronavirus. Nobody gets coronavirus just because of their cultural background. Love all your friends following the social distancing rules: call them, video call them, write letters or just think about them.

We hope you enjoy this comic. 

Malaka Gharib is the creator of this comic. 


Thursday 30 April 2020

Missing the Way Things Were

One of the things we do in our blog each week is to create characters and imagine how they are feeling and what they might say. Maybe you could tell us if you like what they are saying and doing, or if you totally disagree with them. 


It has been over four weeks since I've been at home. At first, I loved it, no more getting up early and getting ready for school. I have enjoyed wearing my own clothes and being at home with my family because it feels safe here. 

I have been doing lots of fun things like playing, dancing, drawing and watching lots more TV. I still have to do my schoolwork which I don’t enjoy doing at home, It a little bit boring. I do miss my teacher’s voice when they tell me how to do my work.

It is so cool being at home with people that care for me and with my siblings, but I am starting to feel sad that I don’t get to see my friends and family. I worry about them and hope they are safe. I like to think about them and what they are doing. 

My brother cries a lot because he really loves going to school and misses wearing his uniform, school lunches and playing with his friends in the playground. He doesn’t like being at home all day long. He draws pictures of our school and the things that he likes doing with his friends.  He sticks them on his bedroom wall which makes him smile because they make him remember happy times. His room is starting to look like a museum. 

I like using my imagination to remember all the things I used to like doing before having to stay inside. This makes my heart feels lots of different feelings. I feel excited as I remember but I also feel really angry because I really miss the way things were before and then I feel sad because I want them to go back to how they used to be. I talk to my Mum and Dad about my feelings and this really helps me. 

My family are using lots of different ways to stay connected ways with our friends and family. We have been talking on the phone a lot more. It’s nice to hear their voices. It’s even better when we video chat because then I get to see them too. Sometimes I go online and play games with my friends and we set dancing challenges that we send to each other. My day feels better when I have seen people who don’t live with me. 

I have started writing special messages about the things I like and miss about my friends, teachers and family because they are the people, I miss the most. I am looking forward to seeing them all again really soon.

We all miss people and things which can make you have a lot of different feelings sad, angry, confused, lonely, tired/sleepy. Talk to an adult about how you are feeling they are there to help you. 
Who are you missing? 
What could you do so they know you are thinking about them?
What things did that you used to do that you miss? 
Perhaps you can draw a picture and put it somewhere you can see it.

Monday 27 April 2020

A Book about Coronavirus

This book is great to understand "coronavirus" and what is happening at the moment. It is illustrated by Alex Scheffer, the artist who drew the images in the Gruffalo story.

If you have any questions about it or are worried about anything, contact us or ask an adult you trust. 

You can click on the arrow within a square at the top right of the book to pop it put (open it) in a new window. 

We hope you like it!

Wednesday 22 April 2020

What to do if you’re anxious about this situation - webpage to visit

Click here and you will visit a page where they have great ideas to look at if you are feeling stressed or anxious about these changes.

These are some ideas they share if the current news on coronavirus (COVID-19) is making you feel anxious, concerned or stressed.

Tips: things you can do
  • Talk to someone about how you’re feeling
  • Arm yourself with the facts 
  • Know what you can do
  • Don't overexpose yourself to the news 
  • Plan your time 
  • Find things that help you feel calm

Everything is different

One of the things we do in our blog is creating characters and imagining how they are feeling and what they might say. Maybe you could tell us if you like what they are saying and doing, or if you totally disagree with them!

Everything has changed.  We were told we were not going to have school for some time. It feels like a really long time now.

I did not like going to school that much. But after all this time at home, I am starting to get a bit bored of not being able to go out.

I am happy to be at home with the people I love and trust. Everybody is nice, although it seems I am getting angry at my parents/ carers and siblings more often. But I also enjoy playing and being with them at home.

Schoolwork seems very different too. We do lots of things on a computer or tablet and I am sometimes a bit confused about things.

There are things I like too. I like having breakfast with other members of my family and eating lunch at home. We also do more things together and I have lots of time to play. I love playing board games like snakes and ladders, and twister.

It is very strange because sometimes things seem super normal. And then something really weird happens, like seeing adults wearing masks when we go to the supermarket, or having to wash all the shopping. And then, everything is normal again.

I feel a bit strange about all this. So I decided to make a list of the things that are the same, and the new things that I like.

Have you thought about these? What things that are still the same that you enjoy? What new things do you like?